Face recognition, bad people and bad data

  • We worry about face recognition just as we worried about databases – we worry what happens if they contain bad data and we worry what bad people might do with them
  • It’s easy to point at China, but there are large grey areas where we don’t yet have a clear consensus of what ‘bad’ would actually mean, and how far we worry because this is different rather than just because it’s just new and unfamiliar
  • Like much of machine learning, face recognition is quickly becoming a commodity tech that many people can and will use to build all sorts of things. ‘AI Ethics’ boards can go a certain way but can’t be a complete solution, and regulation (which will take many forms) will go further. But Chinese companies have their own ethics boards and are already exporting their products.

pro kind!

zum thema religion, schule und berlin bitte hierlang. ich habe für sowas keine nerven zur zeit. nur soviel: seid religiös soviel ihr wollt, aber lasst die kinder mit dem scheiß in ruhe.