Face recognition, bad people and bad data

  • We worry about face recognition just as we worried about databases – we worry what happens if they contain bad data and we worry what bad people might do with them
  • It’s easy to point at China, but there are large grey areas where we don’t yet have a clear consensus of what ‘bad’ would actually mean, and how far we worry because this is different rather than just because it’s just new and unfamiliar
  • Like much of machine learning, face recognition is quickly becoming a commodity tech that many people can and will use to build all sorts of things. ‘AI Ethics’ boards can go a certain way but can’t be a complete solution, and regulation (which will take many forms) will go further. But Chinese companies have their own ethics boards and are already exporting their products.

carsten ~ 10.09.2019 ~ # # # # # ~ netzkultur

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